Mirror Energy Inc



Purchasing Periodic Table of Matter and Antimatter Elements on the internet.

The two items are a beautiful 11-inch by 17-inch and 36-inch by 56-inch poster of the Periodic Table of Matter & Antimatter Elements, which contains 118 matter plus 118 discovered antimatter elements, makes a great Christmas gift for students, friends, parents, and teachers.

One of the thousand of comets could supply the World’s energy needs for billions of years. Millions of people will be traveling in spacecraft to Space Stations and “Love Boats in the Sky” in minutes, communities on the Moon in hours, Mars in days, and stars in Milky Way Galaxy in weeks.

Commercial space travel becomes as common as airline travel in twenty years rather than two hundred years.

In the Periodic Table of Matter & Antimatter Elements, each matter and antimatter element contains the same details as following carbon and anticarbon elements illustration along with the conversion energy in Ergs

11 inch by 17 inch

(*Excludes Sales Tax)

Shipping Free


36 inch by 56 inch

(*Excludes Sales Tax)

Shipping Free
